Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP)

YHDP Project Toolkit Link- Click Here

Youth homelessness is about more than the loss of housing; it’s about the loss of critical connections to family, community, school, and employment.


Community Partnership of Southeast Missouri (CPSEMO) has worked tirelessly to gain funding for homeless service agencies throughout 101 rural counties of Missouri. Though funding has been consistent, CPSEMO is pleased to accept 6.8 million dollars from HUD’s Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP), which will support a variety of housing programs, including rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, and host homes. “YHDP recipients will use their funding to address youth homelessness that is specifically tailored to their needs, including funding for housing units, wrap-around services, and housing support,” from HUD’s press release announcing all recipients of this funding.

CPSEMO is excited to have this opportunity to benefit youth homelessness in rural areas of Missouri that may not have been reached previously. The 6.8-million-dollar grant will create a shift in youth homelessness in Missouri that has never been seen before.

CPSEMO is a membership organization that works to connect homelessness support organizations to resources, funding and clients.

YHDP Celebration in Jefferson City, December 8th, 2022

Missed the Applicant Info Session?

Review the recording and slides below! Thank you!

Post-Info Session FAQs

Q: Should we submit individual applications? How do we ensure both applications would be considered as a joint project?

A: You can submit individual applications. If you do so, then you can simply mention each other's projects/attach an MOU in the partnership section.

Q: If we're applying for more than one project is it okay if some of our narrative answers are similar?

A: We understand that some of the narrative will be the same for agencies submitting multiple project applications.

Q: What is the preference for invoicing? Could 2 separate agencies invoice for reimbursement, based on units for the same funded project?

A: At this point we can't give a final answer on that [invoice reimbursement]. That can be addressed in Award agreement contracts. Within reason, I would expect that we could accommodate separate billing, however that may vary based on the number of organizations requesting billing. CPSEMO, at this point, is reserving the right to pay only one monthly reimbursement per grant agreement.

Q: For all the allowable line items in the budget, where does that pot of money come from? Example, we have Coordinated Entry, and Housing Navigation FTE's but we need additional funds for the supportive services as they come into contact with YYA's. Do we just have the liberty to request amounts line-item amounts for what we need, is there a threshold, or is that also to be included in the FTE rates given?

A: The cost amount estimated per household for rent/transit/education is up to you all. In our estimates, CE was not allocated any funds per household, only FTE costs. The FTE pay should be split into the supportive service line items by how you plan for that staff person to spend their time. The budget limit is the amount listed for the project type plus whatever funds you may be leveraging.

Q: If only submitting a single application, how do we go about including both agency's history etc. within the 1 page limit? Can we each write one page? How would you prefer that both agency's information is captured in each section?

A: If you submit a single application, then you can each respond separately (only) on questions about agency specifics (ie. 1 page each, if the page limit is 1 page).

Q: We're in the process of negotiating with a property owner and are concerned the number of units located together or scattered might not match the requirements. What should we do?

A: No matter which project you chose, please detail the negotiations you already have in the works and a justification of the number of housing units and they will be considered knowing that it's a rural area with limited housing stock. Site-Based Transitional Housing is meant to be at centralized physical locations, whereas Scattered-Site Rapid Rehousing is meant to be each unit spread out from each other.

Q: I see that 1 Coordinated Entry FTE is allowable at $61,800 with a percentage of roughly $3,600 allowable admin. Is the admin allowable in addition to the $61,800 or included in that FTE budget?

A: The admin amount listed is in addition to the FTE amount listed in the RFP.

Q: We will need to feed residents, we will need utilities for all units rented, and we will need company non owned auto liability insurance both for the personal cars that our case workers will use but also liability for each unit. Can all of this go under operating costs?

A: Food is covered under SS budgets. Car Insurance for case workers personal cars would not qualify but car insurance for a company car would. Mileage for eligible transportation would qualify. As far as insurance on the units, that would not qualify under our eligible activities, it would be considered operating costs. Our Operating budget line is only for SS operation which includes the costs associated with facilities being used for Supportive Services that are not contained in a housing structure (24 CFR 578.53) . Operational costs for units must be covered by the project independently. Eligible costs for Leasing Dollars can include Utilities but not other operational costs (24 CFR 578.49).

Welcome! The Youth Action Board of the MO BoS CoC is the leadership for the CoC and our YHDP process to ensure that youth and young adult voices are amplified in the work of the homelessness system of care!

Are you are youth or young adult with experience of housing instability? Do you have a passion for improving youth oriented support services in rural Missouri?

Join our meetings! - All details HERE!

Q: Are the staff listed the most a project can ask for or is that for the entire CoC?

A: The FTEs listed per project are for the entire CoC (ie. 2 FTE for CE, 5 FTE for Nav, 2 FTE for RRH, etc).

Q: Who would be responsible for HMIS data entry if a project was considered a single application but different parts of the project were housed in separate organizations?

A: HMIS entry could be done by different users. Each agency could have a user. Depending on the total capacity of our HMIS project that could provide for more users for some projects. It will likely be determined by the number of persons served and need within the agencies.

Q: The $61,800 FTE rate, is that because we should pay the FTE roughly $30 per hr, or is that an "all in" FTE that includes benefits and such? Example: FTE hourly rate would be more like $24/, with an estimated 20% for benefits and that totals about $61,800.

A: That amount is with benefits and such if only being funded by YHDP funds. If you are leveraging other funds then you can decide how much of that is for salary and how much of it is benefits.

The MO BoS CoC Coordinated Community Plan has been approved!

Youth Action Board Business

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